Noe Valley Voice March 2011

On 24th Street

Voice reporter Shayna Rubin quizzed passersby on Feb. 20 in front of Good News on 24th Street:


What do you think is the most dangerous intersection in Noe Valley? Why?

Kate Fitzpatrick, Castro Street: I think the most dangerous intersection in Noe Valley is the one at Castro and Jersey. It can be scary, especially when cars coming from the west side run through it. Another dangerous intersection is at Noe and 24th because cars roll through without making a full stop.


Mark D’Arrigo, 23rd Street: The intersection at 24th and Church is an obvious choice. The people getting off at the Muni stop island, the cross traffic, and four-way stop create an unsafe intersection.


Lisa Corsello and Chiara, 25th Street: Jersey and Church is a scary intersection. A lot of people roll right through it. I also think that the intersection at Church and 24th is dangerous because the people getting off the train walk right into traffic.


Linda Gorham, Hill Street: There are a lot of pedestrians crossing the intersection at Noe and 24th, I am always scared I’m going to hit someone crossing.


Paola Bifulco, 24th Street: I think the entrance to the Whole Foods parking lot is pretty dangerous. The lines to get in create an obstacle for cars trying to pass, so they have to go around the line. It all becomes confusing and dangerous.


Rich Hill, Clipper Street: The most dangerous intersection is the one at Church and 24th. It is such a central hub for the J-line, and there is a lot of coming and going and crossing.


Paul Feigenbaum and Judy Kemeny, Alvarado Street: The intersection at Alvarado and Noe is very dangerous. The inter­section has no stoplights, and the steep incline off the hill next to it makes it difficult to see what is up ahead.


Maureen Brennan, Douglass Street: I think that the intersection at Jersey and Douglass is pretty dangerous. There is quite a bit of traffic going downhill and you can always hear people slam on their brakes.


Andy Diamondstein, 28th Street: The intersection at 28th and Church is the most dangerous intersection in Noe Valley. I have asked the city multiple times to fix the problems there. There is no stop sign. The corner store there, Chuck’s, has cars double-parked on Church and 28th Street so the hill is reduced to one lane.


Julia Love, 23rd Street: Twenty-fourth and Noe is the most dangerous intersection. I walk there a lot, and I have the hardest time crossing because I don’t know when to cross. I also think that the intersection at Eureka and 23rd is dangerous because people blow through there all the time.