The Noe Valley

December 2012 - January 2013

With relatively few fires in Noe Valley and surrounding neighborhoods, the members of Engine 11 on 26th Street, including (left to right) Eric Sargent, Tracy O’Keeffe, Dana Pompeo, and Dave Murray, respond mostly to medical emergencies.    Photo by Pamela Gerard

Inside the Neighborhood’s Firehouses
New Spirits Spice Up Noe’s Nightlife
Vicki Rosen: Rock of Upper Noe
Senior Centers Put Out the Welcome Mat
24 Reasons to Shop Noe
Rapist Could Face Life in Jail
During the Flood, Go to Noe’s Park
Waterfall City at Our Feet

The Cost of Living in Noe: Do the Math—Buy a Condo
Police Beat
On 24th Street
Store Trek
Short Takes
More Books to Read
More Groups to Join
And Now For The Rumors Behind The News: Happy HoliDAZE
Who to Call at City Hall
Letters to the Editor

Crossword: Envy: The Crossword

Solve the Crossword Puzzles from past issues!


We’re familiar with the “Wag More—Bark Less” injunction on various bumpers in Downtown Noe Valley. It’s good advice, no matter how many legs we get around on. But the wit who brought sheep into the seasonal picture is to be commended also, for making us smile and for bringing thoughts of universal warmth.

With the holidays approaching, it’s time for us to remind you that we’ll be on vacation for the month of December. We’ll return in January to begin work on our first edition of 2013, which will grace the streets of Noe Valley and vicinity during the first week in February. Your deadline for editorial submissions is Jan. 15 (P.O. Box 460249, San Franciso, CA 94146, or If you want to purchase a display ad, you will have a few more days—contact ad wiz Pat Rose at 415-608-7634 (

Thank you for your support during 2012. As we enter our 37th year of publishing, we’re very aware that we couldn’t continue without you. We wish you good health and the finest fleece available.

Jack Tipple and Sally Smith, Editors

The entire contents of the Noe Valley Voice print and Web editions are protected by copyright. It is inconsiderate and illegal for you to use our stories or photos in your own publication or blog without first contacting us, getting our permission, and giving us credit. It's often very easy to use our stuff if you give us and the writers and photographers the respect we deserve. Please contact us with any questions you may have. Thank you!

Jack Tipple and Sally Smith
Editors and Co-Publishers
The Noe Valley Voice