The Noe Valley

February 2012
Fact-Finding Mission: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi takes time to sample an ice cream cone and pose with Subs Inc. owner Rami Balat while visiting Noe Valley on Jan. 11. Balat was one of seven proprietors whose views Pelosi sought on the economy.    Photo by Beverly Tharp 

A Visit from Our Congresswoman
Downtown Noe Valley Squeaks Through 2011
Community Lends a Hand in Fair Oaks Case
Judging the Academy Awards
Full Court Press at Upper Noe Rec

The Cost of Living in Noe: Big Purchases at Year’s End
Short Takes
Police Beat
Store Trek
On 24th Street
Other Voices
More Books to Read: Stories of Love and Romance
More Groups to Join
And Now For The Rumors Behind The News: Destination Noe
Letters to the Editor

Crossword: Headin' South Through The Valley

Solve the Crossword Puzzles from past issues!

Somewhere. All is peace and love now for the young actors who starred in last month’s hit production of West Side Story at James Lick Middle School. But the students won’t soon forget the passions they portrayed—when they were Jets, or Sharks, or those caught in between. Playing Tony and Maria in alternating performances Jan. 18–21 were (from left) Noah Zovickian and Natalia Dise, and Madeline Johns and Jackson Paddock. The students sang as part of a 62-member cast directed by visual and performing arts teacher Jake Stookey. Stookey noted that school staff and parents -- including a professional costumer, a set builder, and a vocal coach -- pitched in to help the students create a top-quality production.    Photo by Beverly Tharp 

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Jack Tipple and Sally Smith
Editors and Co-Publishers
The Noe Valley Voice