Noe Valley Voice April 1999

Noe Valley Roughriders' Earthquake Survival Tips

Quake Facts: The 75-second Great Earthquake began in the pre-dawn -- at 5:12 a.m. -- of April 18, 1906. Scientists estimate that it would have registered 7.9 to 8.3 on the modern-day Richter scale. The much shorter and less destructive (7.1) Loma Prieta Earthquake struck on Oct. 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. Since that wakeup call, Noe Valley has vowed to be tops in earthquake preparation. Here are some things we'll need to get ready, pardner. -- The Nagging Noe Valley Voice

First-Aid Kit

Store a first-aid kit in a central place and make sure it has a set of instructions.


Have a crescent or pipe wrench on hand to turn off gas and water valves. (Shut off the valves only if your house has sustained severe damage or you smell gas.)


Keep flashlights -- and batteries -- in several locations in case of a power failure.

A Fire Extinguisher

Your fire extinguisher should be the kind that works for all types of fires and should be easily accessible.

Water, Disinfectant

Store 3 days' worth of drinkable water for you and your family (1 gallon per person per day), plus a disinfectant like chlorine bleach to purify it.

Radio and Batteries

You'll need a portable radio so you can get emergency broadcasts and current disaster news. A cell phone would also come in handy.

Dry or Canned Food

Store a week's supply of food for each person -- preferably food that doesn't require refrigeration or cooking. Don't forget a can opener.

Barbecue Grill or Stove

Store a grill or camp stove -- and some charcoal and matches -- in case your gas and electricity are shut off. (If you use it, remember to cook outdoors only.)

Blankets, Clothing, Shoes

Put blankets, clothing, and an extra pair of running shoes in your earthquake supplies box. You might need them to keep warm or hike to the local canteen.


Get some. Then stash the $20 bills and quarters in a safe place. Note: the pay phones should work even if regular phone lines are jammed.

More nuggets can be found on pages B6 and B7 of the San Francisco phone book.