The Voice welcomes your letters to the editor. Email editor@noevalleyvoice.com or write the Noe Valley Voice, P.O. Box 460249, San Francisco, CA 94146. Please include name and contact info. (Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication.) Note that letters may be edited for brevity or clarity. We look forward to hearing from you.
Time to Stand and Stare
This afternoon, I took a walk through Eureka and Noe Valley. It’s been a long time. I found the areas pleasantly quiet and clean—free from the usual distressing things we encounter here!
I picked up a copy of your paper and liked it. Nice front-page photo—looks almost like a painting.
I’ve been concerned for some time about our extremely fast pace today, endless stress, runaway technology. Some of the detrimental effects are obvious. W. H. Davies can give us a message. (See poem below.)
I believe on his passing in 1940, with World War II on, the stress and pace began to increase and has never slowed down since. Maybe he had a vision of the way things would become? Anyhow, some may feel we have to slow down or suffer further breakage.
Old poetry is beautiful, and for me indispensable! May the new year bring true progress.
Brett Stafford
Post Street
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like stars at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
—W. H. Davies, 1871–1940
Santa Photos Still Under the Tree
To the Community:
If you were at Just For Fun on Dec. 16 and visited with Santa but never picked up your photographs, we still have them!
We know Santa’s visit was kind of a madhouse and some people might not have known that the photos were being printed and handed out that night, or you might have thought you had to purchase them. The photographs are free, and you are welcome to come pick them up. Just ask at the front counter!
Thanks for a great year and we look forward to seeing everyone in 2011. And yes, Santa will be back next year!
David Eiland and all of us
Just For Fun & Scribbledoodles
3982 24th Street
Pizza: Haystack vs. Patxi’s
its sign doesn’t glow in the dark
only found through years of
families chewing cheesy crusts
old wooden tables that have
tasted hundreds of soda spills
booths warmed by the victories of
the noe valley youth ingesting
red sauce after countless
games and special occasions
the other, is one of a few
a growing chain
that weighs us down,
hard concrete floors, slick with
sterile sameness
the perfect pizza every time
cool efficiency, targeting
new dollars, while burning
the straw of history
Dan Polk
25th Street
Broken Glass
Hi, I live in Noe Valley. I read you paper and have noticed the Police Beat section. Unfortunately, I have something to add to it. My car was parked on Cesar Chavez Street near Noe, and sometime between 8: 30 p.m. Dec. 29 and 9:30 a.m. Dec. 30, the rear passenger window of my 1998 Volvo was completely smashed. Nothing was stolen and a police report was filed.
Name withheld by request
Thank you for reporting the incident. Perhaps a neighbor witnessed the event and will pass on their knowledge to the police tip line, 392-2623. Meanwhile, concerned residents might want to start a watch group. For information, write info@sfsafe.org or call San Francisco SAFE at 553-1984 or 673-SAFE.
Message from Scott Wiener
Noe Valley is a neighborhood that has always promoted quality of life for its residents, and in my first weeks as District 8 Supervisor, I’m focusing on two local issues that will attend to this priority. One is in improving the reliability of mass transportation, and the other is in creating a dynamic and vibrant neighborhood center.
The first issue is the unreliability of the J-Church line. This line has been plagued by inconsistent service, with single-car trains running infrequently and highly inaccurate GPS tracking, causing rider frustration and mistrust. If riders don’t believe their trains will be there when they need them, they will favor driving cars over riding public transportation when making plans to travel to and from Noe Valley. This only creates more traffic congestion and parking problems in the neighborhood, and residents of other neighborhoods might even stay away if they can’t get a train, draining potential customers from Noe Valley’s local businesses.
On Tuesday, Jan. 25, at the Board of Supervisors meeting, I called for a hearing to address why the J-Church is so unreliable, and what Muni is currently doing to address these problems. I want to know what can currently be done, because anything and everything that’s possible to make these trains run efficiently and consistently should be considered. This is both a quality-of-life and an economic issue, and the residents of Noe Valley deserve better.
A second quality-of-life issue is the Noe Valley Town Square. The Town Square space, in the parking lot where the Noe Valley Farmers’ Market currently sits, will be valuable as a location available for community events, more fixed uses like the Farmers’ Market, and whatever else the community decides on, be it a children’s play area or garden. Noe Valley needs more open space.
Acquisition of new open space by the City is a challenging process, and there are other projects competing for these funds. In other words, this isn’t a sure thing. But, it’s worth pursuing these funds, given the significant positive benefits the Town Square will have for the neighborhood. My staff and I have been meeting with people in the neighborhood about the project, and we welcome input from everyone.
If I can ever be of assistance, or if you have ideas for the neighborhood, don’t hesitate to get in touch at 554-6968 or scott.wiener@sfgov.org. You can also contact my staff, Gillian Gillett (gillian.gillett@sfgov.org) and Adam Taylor (adam.taylor@sfgov .org). Thank you for giving me the honor of representing Noe Valley and the other neighborhoods of District 8.
—Scott Wiener, Supervisor, District 8, San Francisco
P.O. Box 460249
San Francisco, CA 94146
www.noevalleyvoice.comThe Noe Valley Voice is an independent newspaper published monthly except in January and August. It is distributed free in Noe Valley and vicinity, on or before the first Friday of the month. Subscriptions are available at $30 per year ($25 for seniors) by writing to the above address.
The Voice welcomes your letters, photos, and stories, particularly on topics relating to Noe Valley. All items should include your name, address, and phone number, and may be edited for brevity or clarity. (Unsigned letters will not be considered for publication.) Unsolicited contributions will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
The Noe Valley Voice is a member of the San Francisco Neighborhood Newspaper Association.
Email: editor@noevalleyvoice.com
Editorial Office: 415-821-3324
Website: www.noevalleyvoice.com
Distribution: Call Misha, 415-260-2698
Display Advertising: Call Steve, 415-239-1114
Class Ads: See home page
Display Advertising Deadline for the March Issue: Feb. 18, 2011
Editorial/Class Ad Deadline:Feb. 15, 2011
Sally Smith, Jack Tipple
Olivia Boler, Other Voices Editor
Corrie M. Anders, Associate Editor
Heidi Anderson, Associate Editor
Karol Barske, Helen Colgan, Chrissy Elgersma, Jan Goben, Liz Highleyman, Laura McHale Holland, Florence Holub, Tim Innes, Jeff Kaliss, Doug Konecky, Erica Reder, Pat Rose, Roger Rubin, Shayna Rubin, Lorraine Sanders, Karen Topakian, Heather World, Nicole Wong, Alaish Wren
Pamela Gerard, Photo Editor
Beverly Tharp, Senior Photographer
Jan Brittenson, Najib Joe Hakim
Karol Barske
Jon Elkin, Sally Smith, Jack Tipple
Clare Sullivan, Jack Tipple, Misha Yagudin
Jon Elkin, Elliot Poger
Steve Steinberg, Advertising Manager
Jack Tipple
Contents ©2011 The Noe Valley Voice